Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Using Literature to help Disciple Your Children

I have found that one of the best partners in the process of helping my children to become Disciples of Jesus is a really good book! Great Christian literature steps into the Titus 2 model and walks alongside us - letting the older teach the younger the ways of the Lord.

Some of my favorites have been Louisa May Alcott's Little Women (the movie, while good, does not maintain the distinctly Christian, discipling attributes), The Original Elsie Series by Martha Finley (though I recommend starting this with younger girls say 5-7, as an older girl in school will find it over the top and not be able to relate), and of course the Chronicles of Narnia.

By reading these books (and so many others!) aloud, we have the opportunity to discuss their successes and failures and apply them to our own lives. Once the child is able to read them independently, hopefully the lessons will be reinforced time and again.

What books have you read to your children that were very helpful in teaching your children the virtues of the faith?
As you share, note the gender and age of the child to whom you read the book.


  1. Great info, Kate! (please ignore the Freezer Diva profile ... there's a mix up with my google accounts...it's just Heidi posting here! :) Anyway, Eric and I have found that Lamplighter Books (www.lamplighterpublishing.com) to be an awesome resource. Their Fireside Readers and a number of other old favorites (from the 1800s) had been recommended to me for character building. The books are expensive (not the $5.99 deal at Walmart), but they are SO worth it.

    Also, some books by Larry Burkett were created for children. Found them at a curriculum sale and they were excellent in teaching about tithing and what God can do with our treasure.

  2. Thank you Freezer Diva :) I have not used lamplighter books- though that rings a bell. On my way to check it out... Hope has a birthday coming up! :) Any particular Larry Burkett book you'd start with? I've heard someone talk about using Dave Ramsey books with their kids, too.

  3. Great ideas. I would also recommend any Patricia St. John books (she's the author) (the revised new series). They are based in various countries and have great stories about kids getting into trouble and dealing with sin in their hearts and letting Jesus in to help them and theya are very adventurous and fun. My kids keep asking for more chapters every night. They can also be read by older kids too alone. Very clean, great messages and great story lines.



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